New England Seamount Acoustics
This project was a pilot cruise for the NESMA-PASSENGERS ((Predictions of AcousticS with Smart Experimental Networks of GlidERS) project. Our lab had two gliders as a part of a 7 glider fleet for this project. This year focused on how to optimize the thruster modes on gliders to maintain positions close to acoustic sources while in strong currents.
This year of the project used the findings from the first year of testing to operate the gliders through Gulf Stream currents and over the seamounts. Our lab again had 2 gliders as a part of a 7 glider fleet. Along with acoustic sampling this year tested the use of GHOST (Guidance for Heterogenous Observation SysTem) for current correction and future potential applications. This year yielded promising results for utilizing gliders for improving acoustic forecasting.
NESMA July/August 2024
The aim of this year is to use acoustics data to characterize the bathymetry of the New England Seamounts. More specifically the area surrounding the Kelvin, Atlantis II, and Caldera seamounts. Our lab deployed 4 gliders with 3 hydrophones, 4 CTDs, an ADCP, and a turbulence sensor. The data we get back from the gliders at the end of their missions will help in creating the acoustic profiles of the area.